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How soon after sending the samples will I get my results?

We are always trying to process samples in a timely fashion but the sample turnover also depends on the desired type of analysis. Generally it takes 2-3 weeks until measurements are completed. Should you need your data more quickly (e.g. for a grant application or conference presentation) please contact us and we will do our best to complete the work within your deadline.

What will the results look like?

You will receive an Excel Sheet containing the concentration of the desired analytes in pg/ml or pM for liquid samples, and for tissue samples in pg/g tissue or pg/g protein. Upon request we also provide RAS-Fingerprints™ if they are needed for publications or posters.

Can you quantify peptides that are not in your portfolio?

Yes. We have already implemented quantification methods for peptides and compounds other than the ones directly involved in the Renin-Angiotensin-System and are happy to help you regarding your personal needs. Please contact our office with the following information and we will get back to you with a project proposal and quotation: name of compound, molecular weight, sequence if available along with availability of pure analyte for method development, matrix in which the analyte should be quantified and number of samples you are planning on analyzing.

How does your quantification method work?

We are using highly selective LC-MS/MS based quantification to detect even low pg-amounts of analytes within the sample material. For a detailed description of our process please visit our “Technology (Mass Spectrometry)” site.

What kind of standards / standard curves are you using to ensure accuracy?

We are using stable isotope-labelled peptides and deuterated compounds as internal standards in our quantification process. These standards are spiked to every single sample before the sample preparation and due to their similar physiochemical properties to the analytes they can be used to monitor recovery during the sample preparation process which results in highly accurate quantification results. We calculate the analyte concentration using a freshly prepared dilution series for each individual batch, using Waters® MassLynx MS-Software.

How can I order a sample analysis?

To get samples analyzed go to “GET A QUOTE” and fill out the form. We will send you a quotation and once you confirm the order you can go ahead and send your samples. We recommend visiting our “Shipping FAQ” before sending the samples.

Where can I get a quotation?

Please visit our “Get A Quote” site and fill out the form. We will then provide you with a quotation according to the desired analyses.

Why are there four different RAS-Fingerprint™ panels and which one should I choose for my experiment?

Depending on what pathway you are most interested in we offer a complete analysis of 10 angiotensin metabolites as well as selected panels with either 6 or 4 metabolites at a cheaper price. Please visit our “Angiotensin Quantification” site for a view of the different panels. If you are not sure which panel suits your needs best feel free to contact our office for advice.


What happens if I ship less than the minimum sample amount?

In order to the keep the high quality standard of our analytical method we are not processing samples sent in less than the minimum amount required for the analysis. Working with small amounts of plasma, serum and tissue leads to high quantification limits and would decrease the value of our results as well as increase prices due to the additional work needed during sample preparation and processing.

In case you can’t provide the minimum amount needed for analysis, e.g. you are planning on sending tissue where there just isn’t enough available in your animal model, please contact our office. We will be happy to discuss your project and find a solution that allows you to measure your samples!

I would like to measure the in vivo RAS-Fingerprint™ (circulating angiotensin levels) - where do I get the inhibitor cocktail for sample collection?

If you would like to measure the in vivo RAS-Fingerprint™ we will provide our protease inhibitor cocktail which effectively blocks all angiotensin metabolism in plasma and serum. Please use the “Get A Quote” form and additionally let us know the following information: expected sample volume per tube, shipping address and contact person in charge of coordinating shipments. The protease inhibitor cocktail is provided as a 20x concentrate and we will use this information to calculate the amount needed for your project and coordinate the shipment with you or the contact person.

How much protease inhibitor cocktail do I need for my experiment?

Please let us know the number of samples and the sample volume you plan on collecting using our “Get A Quote” form and we will calculate the amount of inhibitor needed and contact you regarding the shipment.

Can you provide handling instructions for the inhibitor cocktail?

We are happy to send you the handling instructions. Please contact our office. (

Is it possible to quantify very high analyte concentrations, e.g. in stock solutions used for infusion studies?

Yes, we can quantify your analyte concentration in a stock solution. Please let us know you are planning on shipping a stock solution with a high concentration of your analyte so we can make appropriate dilutions. Very high concentrations may overload the U-HPLC column and prevent us from accurately determining the analyte concentration.

What kind of blood collection tubes can I use?

Please use lithium heparin tubes, sodium heparin tubes or serum tubes and refrain from using other collection material such as EDTA, as this chelating agent will interfere with ex vivo RAS-Fingerprint™ analysis and enzyme assays. For the in vivo RAS-Fingerprint™ a protease inhibitor cocktail containing EDTA will be provided by Attoquant.

I would like to measure the ex vivo RAS-Fingerprint™ (equilibrium angiotensin levels) - do I send plasma or serum?

The ex vivo RAS-Fingerprint™ (equilibrium angiotensin levels) can be measured in lithium heparin plasma, sodium heparin plasma and serum. To avoid confusion with different plasma collection tubes, some of which use agents like EDTA or citrate that interfere with the equilibrium levels and enzyme assays, we recommend sending serum.

Can I send more sample material? What happens to the material that is “left over” after the analysis?

If you send more material we can either analyze more sample material to get better quantification limits or keep the remaining material stored in case you would like further measurements (e.g. enzyme activity assays) at a later time point.

What is the minimum amount of sample material needed for the analysis?

For the different RAS-Fingerprints™ in serum/plasma: 200µl

For the different RAS-Fingerprints™ in tissue: 50mg

Do I have to send more material when requesting multiple analyses?

Yes. For example when requesting a Core RAS-Fingerprint™ analysis and Renin Activity from the same serum sample, we require 200µl for the RAS-Fingerprint™ and additional 100µl for the Renin Activity Assay, so 300µl in total.

Shipping Information

What container should I use for shipment?

We recommend using a well-isolated styro-foam box. They can be bought from local vendors and are frequently used for shipping dry ice.

What is the optimal temperature to ship samples?

Please ship the samples frozen at approximately -80°C, which is the temperature achieved when shipping with dry ice. Please make sure to label the package appropriately when shipping dry ice (label UN1845).

How much dry ice do I need?

If you are shipping samples from within the EU we recommend using at least 3kg dry ice in a well-isolated styrofoam box with 4-5cm thick walls.
When shipping packages from outside the EU we recommend using at least 6kg dry ice when shipping human samples and 8kg dry ice when shipping animal samples. More dry ice is needed due to customs delays. Shipping samples of animal origin requires certain permits so please contact our office to make sure all documents are available.

What kind of documents do I need?

When shipping samples within the EU please contact a local courier service and ask whether there are certain restrictions in your region regarding shipping hazardous material (dry ice). Please make sure to clearly label the package as containing dry ice, using the UN1845 label.
A Proforma Invoice is required when shipping samples from outside the EU for customs purposes: the original PI as well as three copies have to be included in the shipping documents. PI Templates are usually provided by your local courier service. Customs also needs an import permit for samples of animal origin, which will be provided by Attoquant and should also be included with the shipping documents; therefore please contact us before shipping animal samples.

Do you have a template for the Proforma Invoice?

Yes, a template for a Proforma Invoice is available. Please contact our office ( and we will be happy to send you our template.

Do I require any permits?

For shipping samples of human origin, please make sure to clearly label the package as “exempt human specimen”. According to the ADR classification samples with a minimal likelihood of containing pathogens can be shipped without further permits.
For shipping samples of animal origin, please contact our office ( with the following information: where you are shipping the samples from, the animal species, sample type (blood/tissue) and the number of samples. We will let you know the best way to proceed.

Is there a shipping company you could recommend?

Not all shipping companies offer to ship dry ice, so there are only a few choices available. If you are not sure what courier to use, contact our office and we will tell you our recommendation depending on the location of your university or company.

Is there anything I can do to ensure my package arrives safely?

Unfortunately there is no guarantee that your package will arrive safely, though there are more expensive courier services available that try to minimize risks during the shipping process.
We have gained a lot of experience over the years and should issues arise we always do our best to resolve them as quickly as possible. It is therefore very important for us to receive the tracking number and packing list as soon as your samples are shipped so we can track them and make sure the delivery is well on its way. Should any issues arise we will contact you and keep you updated on all new developments, but most packages are delivered without any complications.

Data Interpretation

What does “<” mean in my result table and why are the values in red?

The “<” means that the values are below the Limit Of Quantification (LOQ). The value in red is the quantification limit itself. If, for example, the result for a serum sample says “< 1” in the column for Ang 1-7, then the measured value for angiotensin 1-7 was below the LOQ which is 1pg/ml.

How soon after sending the samples will I get my results?

We are always trying to process samples in a timely fashion but the sample turnover also depends on the desired type of analysis. Generally it takes 2-3 weeks until measurements are completed. Should you need your data more quickly (e.g. for a grant application or conference presentation) please contact us and we will do our best to complete the work within your deadline.

What will the results look like?

You will receive an Excel Sheet containing the concentration of the desired analytes in pg/ml or pM for liquid samples, and for tissue samples in pg/g tissue or pg/g protein. Upon request we also provide RAS-Fingerprints™ if they are needed for publications or posters.